SDLC – Prototyping vs Rapid Application Development Model

What is the difference between the Prototyping and the RAD model?

In Prototyping Model

  1. The development prototype is primarily used to gain insight into the solution.
  2. Choose between alternatives
  3. Elicit customer feedback
  4. The developed prototype is usually thrown away.

In Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model

  1. The developed prototype evolves into deliverable software.
  2. RAD leads to faster development compared to traditional models. However, the quality and reliability would possibly be poorer.

In short: In the RAD model, the prototype itself is refined to be the actual software, whereas in the prototyping model, which is a derivative of the waterfall model, used to get customer feedback, thrown away the developed prototype, and start development afresh.


  1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering Book & NPTEL Video Lectures by Rajib Mall.

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