Software project management processes

During the project lifecycle, the software project manager executes the project management processes. The project management processes are concerned with planning and controlling the work of the project.

The project manager performs the project’s planning, executing the plan that is directing the team to carry out development work. Whenever there is a deviation, the project manager controls the bottleneck to proceed as per the plan.

Executive Summary

The project management processes consist of initiating the project, and here the project manager writes the business case and the project charter. The planning processes that complete the work breakdown structure and perform the project scheduled cost estimation. The project manager then carries out the executing processes, which basically perform the necessary action to complete the work as outlined in the plan.

But then, during the execution process, there may be deviations from the plan. The project manager needs to carry out the monitoring and control processes. The project manager checks whether the project is proceeding as per the plan or deviations from the plan. When there are deviations, the project manager takes corrective actions to match the project’s progress with the plan. And finally, the project manager needs to carry out the closing processes, where the closing documents are created, and the customer finally gives the project’s formal acceptance.

The project management processes are as follows in the systematic order:
  1. Initiating Processes:
    • The project manager writes the business case and the project charter.
  2. Planning Processes:
    • The project manager carries out the planning process that completes the work breakdown structure and performs the project schedule, cost estimate, etc.
  3. Executing Processes:
    • The project manager performs the actions necessary to complete the work outlined in the plan. But, during the execution process, there may be deviations from the plan.
  4. Monitoring and controlling processes:
    • Measure progress toward the project objectives, monitor deviation from the plan, and take corrective action to match the plan’s progress.
  5. Closing processes:
    • Formal acceptance of the work and creation of closing documents.
  • NPTEL Software Project Management by Rajib Mall, IIT Kharagpur.


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