Python Fundamentals – String

A string is a sequence of characters.

Generally, computers do not deal with characters, they deal with numbers. Even though you may see characters on your screen, internally it is stored and manipulated as a combination of 0’s and 1’s.

The conversion of a character to a number is called encoding, and the reverse process is called decoding. ASCII and Unicode are some of the popular encoding techniques.

In python, a string is a sequence of Unicode characters.

Creating a string

There are multiple ways we can create a string object in Python. It can be created using a double quote, single quote or triple quote as well as using the str() function.

Example 1: Creating a string in python, we are creating string objects using different quotes.

str_obj = ""
# Output:

str_obj = ''''''
# Output:

str_obj = ''
# Output:

Example 2: Creating a string in python, we are creating string objects using the str() function.

str_obj = str("")
# Output:

Accessing characters of a string

We can access individual characters using indexing and a range of characters using slicing. Index starts from zero. When we try to access a character out of the index range, it raises an index error. Python also allows negative indexing for its sequences.

Accessing characters of a string using Indexing

Example 1: In this example of accessing characters of a string in python, we show how to access individual elements of string using indexing.

# Indexing
str_obj = str("")

# w
# w
# w
# .

In the above example, the first character is accessed by index value 0 and the second by index value 1 and so on and so forth.

Accessing characters of a string using Negative Indexing

Example 1: In this example of accessing characters of a string in python, we have shown how to access individual elements of a string using negative indexing. Negative indexing values start from -1 and -1 is the last character of a string. Indexing value increase as we move toward the start of the string.

# Negative Indexing
str_obj = str("")

# Output:
# o
# i
# .
# b

In the above example, the last character is accessed by index value -1 and the second last by index value -2 and so on and so forth.

Accessing characters of a string using Range

Example 1: In this example of accessing characters of a string in python, we have shown how to a range of characters of a string using a concept called slicing. For slicing, we need to mention a range, like a start index value, colon, and end index value.

# slicing
str_obj = str("")

# Output: www.n

In the above example, we have sliced and extracted a substring in a range of 0-4. In all the cases, if we supply an index value which is greater than string length then it throws an index out of range error.

Delete a string

As we know, strings are immutable, which means that elements of a string can’t be changed once it has been assigned. However, we can simply reassign different strings to the same name. Python internally creates a new object and assigns the value to it.

Example 1: In this example of deleting characters from a string, we have shown that we can’t edit or modify a string object once it is assigned.

str_obj = str("")
str_obj[0] = 'h'

# Output: TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

In the above example, it throws an error stating that the str object does not support item assignment.

Example 2: In this example of deleting a string, we have shown how to delete the entire string object.

str_obj = str("")
del str_obj

# Output: NameError: name 'str_obj' is not defined

String Operations

String data structure supports many operations such as string concatenation, iteration, etc.

String Concatenation

String concatenation is a way through which we can concatenate two or more strings together. Python internally creates a new string object and copies the content of strings together and returns a new string object.

Example 1: In this example of a string concatenation, we have shown how to concatenate two strings together.

str_obj1 = str("https://")
str_obj2 = str("")

# Using the string concatenation of two strings
str_obj3 = str_obj1 + str_obj2

# Output: 

Example 2: In this example of a string concatenation, we have shown how to repeat the same string multiple times and as a return, get a new string object.

str_obj1 = str("https://")
str_obj2 = str("")

# Using the string concatenation of two strings
str_obj3 = (str_obj2 + " ") * 3

# Output: 

Iterating through String

String iteration is very useful when we want to search for a character or substring within a string.

Example 1: In this example, we will iterate the entire string one by one and search for a character ‘o’ within a given string.

count = 0
str_obj = str("")
for ch in str_obj:
    if ch == 'o':
        count += 1

print("Number of times 'o' character occured: ",count)
# Output: Number of times 'o' character occured:  6

Search substring within a string

It is a frequent need to search whether a character or substring is present within a string or not. As a result, it returns true or false based on the search result.

Example 1: In this example, we have illustrated how to search a substring within a string.

str_obj = str("")
status = "note" in str_obj
# Output: True


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