Information System vs. Information Technology vs. Information Security

Information systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) are often considered synonymous. However, in reality, IT is a subset of Information systems.

Information System

Information System is an umbrella term for the Systems, People, and Processes designed to create, store, manipulate, distribute, and disseminate information. The field of Information Systems bridges Business and Computer Science.

It does not mean that the Information system is strongly connected to Computer Systems, and without these systems, IS does not exist. An Information system, however, can be as simple as a pencil and piece of paper. Separately, the objects (pencil and paper) are just tools used together; they create a recording system.

Although Information systems are heavily reliant on computers and other technology-based tools, the term predates computers and can include non-technological systems.


  1. Management Information System (MIS) uses information such as a database to improve performance, create reports, and make the decision.
  2. A Decision Support System is also an Information system.
  3. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
  4. Expert Systems.
  5. Workflow System.

Information Technology

IT falls under the IS umbrella but deals with the technology involved in the system and themselves. IT can be defined as the study design, implementation, support, or management of a computer-based Information System. IT typically includes hardware, software, database, and networks. Information technology often governs the acquisition, processing, storage, and dissemination of digitized information, or data, generated through the disciplines of computing and telecommunications. Information technology focuses on managing technology and improving its utilization to advance the overall business goals.

Information Security

The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access to provide Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA)

  1. Confidentiality: Assurance that information is shared only among authorized persons or organizations
  2. Integrity: Assurance that the information is authentic and complete
  3. Availability: Assurance that the systems responsible for delivering, storing, and processing information are accessible when needed by those who need them.

Information System is a bigger umbrella, and Information Technology is a subsystem that facilitates the Information system to improve their workflow, productivity, and management. The Information Security objective is to provide security to information technology.

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