To understand any concept or terminology, we should possess a basic foundation to comprehend it. So, at the starting of this note, I will lay down the basic foundation, and later I will explain Information Technology Security and Cyber Security.
- What do you mean by Security?
- What do you mean by Cyber, Cybernetics, and Cyberspace?
- What do you mean by IT Systems?
What is the general meaning of Security?
The state of being free from danger or threat. It is a process, not an end state. It means security is a process of maintaining an acceptable level of perceived (known) risk.
Is our organization secure at this moment?
No organization can be considered secure for any time beyond the last verification of adherence to its security policy. If your manager asks – Are we secure? Answer: Let me check. Question: Will we be secure tomorrow? Answer: I don’t know.
Cyber came from Cybernetics. Cybernetic is the scientific study of how humans, animals, and machines control and communicate. The whole cyber-related derivatives are under one umbrella called Cyberspace.
Kindly note: Cyberspace or Cybersecurity or any cyber derivatives must be a single word according to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
What is a Cyberspace?
Cyberspace is the environment in which communication over computer networks occurs. There is no perfect definition of cyberspace as every nation is interpreted differently. However, a few keywords/notions are common:
- Cyberspace includes tangible elements. This would imply that cyberspace cannot exist without tangible elements.
- Cyberspace must include information, and it can either be stored data, signaling between processes and/or devices, or as content that is being transmitted.
According to US Agencies: The interdependent network of information technology infrastructures and includes the internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers in critical industries. Latest definition by NIST: The complex environment resulting from the interaction of people, software, and services on the Internet using technology devices and networks connected to it, which does not exist in any physical form.
UK: Cyberspace is an interactive domain made up of digital networks used to store, modify, and communicate information.
Germany: Cyberspace is the virtual space of all IT systems linked at the data level globally. The basic for Cyberspace is the internet as a universal and publicly accessible connection and transport network, which can be complemented and further explained by the number of additional data networks. IT systems in an isolated virtual space are not part of Cyberspace.
Cyberspace, Cybercrime, Cyberwar, Cyberterrorism, etc., are based on or derived from Cyberspace. Therefore, Cybersecurity is the security of Cyberspace. Cybercrime is a crime committed within Cyberspace or whose elements from/to Cyberspace are used as a vehicle to commit a crime.
What is Information Technology System (IT System)?
Information Technology System (IT System) means the hardware, software, data communication lines, network, and telecommunications equipment internet related information technology infrastructures, wide area network and other information technology equipment, owned, licensed to, or controlled by the company or any of its subsidiaries.
What is Information Technology Security (IT Security)?
It is the process of implementing measures and system designed to securely protect and safeguard information (Such as Business, Personal data, Voice conversations, Still Image, Motion Pictures (Videos), Multimedia, Presentations, including those not yet conceived) utilizing various forms of technology developed to create, store, use and exchange such information against any unauthorized access, misuse, malfunction, modification, destruction, or improper disclosure, thereby preserving the values, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, intended use and its ability to perform their permitted critical functions.
It is implementing measures and systems designed to securely protect and safeguard information utilizing various forms of technology. The information we are trying to keep safe is our data, and this refers to any form of data, Whether it is electronic or paper. IT security is thus considered a bit broader than Cybersecurity.
What is a Cybersecurity?
The precautions are taken to guard against crime that involves the Internet (Cyberspace), specifically unauthorized access to computer systems and data connected to the internet. Cybersecurity is all about protecting data in its electronic form. Included in this is the process of implementing technology in order to protect this electronic data.
The ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyberattacker. The function of cybersecurity is to protect information but it’s further reaching them that. Cybersecurity intends to protect all things accessible in Cyberspace.
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